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How do I create a post?

Learn more about creating posts with SpacesEDU!

Alasdair McMillan avatar
Written by Alasdair McMillan
Updated over 4 months ago

All About Posting

Posts are the best way to connect with your students and families, share multimedia content, and create an engaging virtual learning environment.

The instructions below might seem like a lot, since we've tried to make Posts as flexible as possible, and we explain each of the options in detail here.

Don't worry; once you try it for yourself, you'll find that it's quick and easy to add whatever kind of posts you want!

Creating and Customizing your Post

1. Select Create in the bottom right of the Feed in any class, or within any Space

If you already know which Space you'd like to add the post in, we recommend starting from there to simplify the process.  

2. Click Post - you'll be brought to the post creation screen:

3. From here, you can edit the following Post Details:

  • Upload up to 10 media attachments (Camera, Audio, File, Google Drive, OneDrive, or URL)

    • Camera - post from your device camera or camera roll

    • Audio - record audio in SpacesEDU

    • File - post files from your device (check out this article for supported file types)

      • Note that on iOS devices, the file option loads the file browser, not the Camera Roll

      • For access to the camera roll, select the Camera option, then tap the camera roll icon to the left of the camera button:

    • Google Drive - sign in with Google to add Google Docs and other files  

    • OneDrive - sign in with OneDrive to add your files

    • URL - post any external URL

  • After you have uploaded more than one media attachment to a post, you can also change the order in which attachments are displayed by clicking one of the arrow buttons below the media:

  • Add a title (max 100 characters) and description (max 5000 characters).

    • The Post Description allows for rich text formatting (bold, italic, underline, and lists)

    • You can use emojis too, if supported by your browser!

  • Add Curriculum Tags (optional)

4. You'll also need to confirm a few details in the Post Selections panel

  • This will appear either below the post details or along the right-hand side, depending on the size of your screen; the options available are also different depending if you're a teacher or a student

  • Select the Class and Space you'd like to post to (Teachers and Students)

    • The Space will be pre-populated if you started creating the post within a particular Space, or empty if you started in the main Feed

    • The Class is always pre-populated, but you can select a different class if needed

    • Keep in mind that if you had already selected students, then change the Class or Space, not all of the originally selected students may be included

  • (Teachers only): To simplify the post-creation process further and reduce clicks, we will automatically assign the post type based on your Space selection.

    • When posting to a 1:1 Space or Group Space, a separate copy of the post will be created for each student or group selected (formerly known as a “Template Post”).

      • Once you've created the post, this option allows you to apply individual proficiency levels for each student with the curriculum tags you've selected

      • You can also go back and edit the post for one student without updating the version other students see - this is great if you have a description and attachments you want to add across all students, then add individual content later for each student

      • In Group Spaces, a separate post will be created for each group, rather than each individual student

    • When posting to a Class Space, a single post will be shared amongst all selected students (formerly known as a “Shared Post”).

      • When you add a post in a Class Space, it will be shared with all the students you select.

        • This is ideal for class bulletins or discussion prompts: it means that students can all add comments on the same post, and engage with each other's comments if you have that visibility setting enabled

        • Individualized proficiency levels for each student cannot be applied to Class Space posts.

  • Select the student(s) you'd like to add the post for (Teachers only). You can select:

    • Individual students in a Class and 1:1 Space

    • One or more groups in a Group Space

    • All students within a Space, with the additional option to include all future students that may be added to that Space at a later time.

5. When you're ready after reviewing all selections, click Post in the top right corner

Now that you've created a post, you will see it in the Feed for the Space you selected!

  • Not seeing some of the options mentioned above?

    • Keep in mind that the options available depend on the Spaces you have created in your class. For example, the option to add posts for groups of students is only available after you have created a Group Space in your class.

    • Note that teachers also cannot post to a Space that has no students.

Need to edit a post?

No problem! Teachers can edit any post, at any time, including posts shared by students.

Students can edit posts they've added themselves, or that have been posted on their behalf by a teacher either individually or as a Template Post. They cannot edit Shared Posts added by a teacher for multiple students.

To edit a post:

  1. Click the contextual menu button (three dots) on the post you wish to edit

  2. Select Edit Post

  3. Make any necessary edits

  4. Click Save in the top right corner

Not sure what to post? Check out 'What should I create for my first Teacher Post?' to get started.

You can also add posts directly in a Portfolio, if your school is using the Portfolios feature of SpacesEDU Pro. To find out more, click here!

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