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How can I create and assign activities?
How can I create and assign activities?

Learn to create and assign activities for your students.

Alasdair McMillan avatar
Written by Alasdair McMillan
Updated over 4 months ago

SpacesEDU allows teachers to easily create activities with custom multimedia instructions, due dates, and curriculum connections. Activities send notifications to students and families of upcoming due dates, while supporting educators with tracking submissions and sharing personalized feedback.

Creating New Activities

To create a new activity:

  1. Open a Class or Space within a Class

  2. Click the Create button at the bottom right

  3. Select Activity

  4. Click New Activity

This will open the Activity screen, where you can fill in activity details for your students.

Required fields

  • Class: Choose the class to which you'd like to assign your new activity. Once created, you can add the same activity to other classes later on, if needed.

  • Space: Select whether you want the activity to be assigned to the Class Space, or a 1:1 Space.

    • Reminder: For students to submit the activity, the Class or 1:1 Space you choose must be set to Active.

    • If the Space is Hidden, students will not see the activity. If the Space is Visible, students will see the activity and can save a draft, but will not be able to submit.

    • Activities cannot be posted to Group Spaces.

  • Students: Select whether the activity will be visible to all students within the space, or specific students.

  • Title: Enter a title that will make it easy for students to recognize the activity. Limit 100 characters

  • Instructions: Add detailed information for students, including reflection questions. Limit 5000 characters

Optional fields

  • Media: You can add up to 10 media attachments (photos, videos, audio clips, URLs, or files). For example, you might want to include a video explanation of the activity, or a worksheet for students to save and fill out, then upload.

  • Start Date: Create an activity in advance, and schedule the exact date and time that you'd like it to be visible to your students. If you don't set a start date, it will be visible as soon as you assign the activity.

  • Due Date: The due date will be visible to students. After it has passed, students will still be able to submit, but submissions past the deadline will be flagged as late.

  • Curriculum Tags: Add specific Curriculum Tags to organize your activities by learning objectives, and automatically tag activity posts.

    • Add proficiency levels for each student at any point throughout the activity.

  • Activity Settings:

    • Allow students to unsubmit: Enabling this setting will
      allow students to unsubmit their work until you have locked or posted the submission.

      • When this feature is enabled, the option for teachers to lock submissions will appear in the Quick Review Table drop-down menu.

      • Once a teacher has locked a submission, that student will no longer be able to resubmit. To learn more about this feature, visit our help article Can students unsubmit an activity?

    • Add Activity to GrowthBook: When this setting is enabled, the Activity will be available within your GrowthBook.

Assigning an Activity

Once you've filled in all of the required fields, click Assign at the top right. You can select Save Draft if you're not quite finished - your work will periodically be auto-saved as well.

If the 'Assign' button isn't active, that means one of the required fields is missing.

When a new activity has been assigned, students and linked family members will receive a notification in their accounts.

Can I copy an existing activity?

Yes! You can copy any of your existing activities into a different Class or Space, or into the same one again:

  1. Open the Class that you'd like to copy the activity for

  2. Click the Activities tab

  3. Click Create

  4. Instead of selecting New Activity, click the Use Activity option on any of your existing activities

  5. Select the Class and Space where you'd like to copy the activity

  6. Optionally, you can customize the title & instructions for the new copy, or leave them as-is - when you're ready, click Assign.

To find out how you can provide feedback to students after they've submitted, check out this article: How do I review student activity submissions?


SpacesEDU's Growthbook is our standards-based gradebook designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of teachers' assessment methods.

  • By enabling the 'Add Activity to Growthbook' setting on an Activity, you can track the curriculum tags and proficiencies for that activity in the Growthbook.

    • You can enable this either when creating an activity, or by editing an activity after it has been saved.

    • This option will add an entry linked to the activity, with any proficiencies that have already been applied in the activity pre-populated in the Growthbook.

  • To access the Growthbook, click the Assessment tab at the top of any class, then click Growthbook.

    • Along with a column for each individual curriculum tag on the activity, you will see an additional column where you can add an overall proficiency level for the activity submission.

    • For activities with the Growthbook setting enabled, you can hover over the heading in green to see the full activity title, and click the chain icon to open the activity.

    • Any proficiencies added directly within the Growthbook will be visible when viewing the activity.

    • You can also add evaluations to the Growthbook which are not linked with an activity. To learn more, consult this article.

Still have questions?

  • Growthbook is only available as an optional add-on feature with SpacesEDU Pro, so if you don't see this option, it may not be licensed by your school. If you're an administrator interested in this option for your school or district, email

  • For any technical support-related inquiries, you can contact us with the messaging option in the corner of your screen, or email

  • To learn more about our planned updates to Growthbook, Activities, and other features, check out our public Product Roadmap.

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