Homeschooling with Spaces
As a home educator, it can be difficult to find education technology solutions that work for you and your family.
Many tools are designed for district and school-level use, and aren't easily accessible for a small class of students.
Why use Spaces for Homeschooling
Spaces provides a wonderful new way for students to capture and reflect on learning at home. Students can showcase moments of discovery in any form, from any device.
Students can post a variety of media types (photos, videos, audios, and text are most common) to demonstrate their learning and their educator can respond with feedback and probe for reflection.
Spaces is a great place for home educators to assign tasks, provide feedback and capture and document student growth.
How to create a Home School Class in Spaces
First, sign up as a teacher and create your class.
Tip: You can choose "Home School (State)" to easily create a school.
See: 'How do I create an account?'Next, invite family members you are educating, as students.
See: 'How do I invite students to join my class?'Your classroom awaits you! See ideas for your first post here!
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